Refurbish Old Wood Dresser

Refurbish Old Wood Dresser

Refurbishing an Old Wood Dresser: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Preparing the Dresser

The first step in refurbishing an old wood dresser is to make sure that you have all the necessary supplies. Depending on the condition of the dresser, you may need to purchase some tools and supplies. First, you need to make sure that the dresser is clean and free from dirt. You should also inspect the dresser for any signs of damage or decay. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the dresser and remove any dirt or dust. After cleaning, you should sand the dresser to remove any bumps or imperfections. Make sure to sand in the same direction as the wood grain. This will help to smooth the surface and give the dresser a more uniform look.

Step 2: Applying the Stain

Once the dresser is sanded and prepped, you can start applying the stain. Before you begin, you should test the stain on a piece of scrap wood. This will help you determine the right shade of stain that you want to use on the dresser. When applying the stain, make sure to use a brush or cloth. Start by applying the stain in the same direction as the wood grain. Once the first coat is applied, you can apply a second coat for a more even finish. For a darker finish, you can apply a third coat. Make sure to allow the stain to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Finishing the Dresser

Once the stain is completely dry, you can begin to finish the dresser. There are a few different options for finishing the dresser. You can use a clear finish, like polyurethane or varnish. You can also use a colored finish, like paint or a wood stain. Make sure to apply the finish in the same direction as the wood grain. Allow the finish to dry completely before using the dresser. You may need to apply multiple coats of finish to get the desired look.

Step 4: Adding Hardware

Once the finish has dried, you can add the hardware to the dresser. Start by measuring the holes for the hardware. Then, you can purchase the hardware that you want to use and attach it to the dresser. Make sure the screws are tight and secure. If you are having difficulty attaching the hardware, you can use a drill to make the holes larger. You can also use a template to make sure that the holes are evenly spaced and the hardware is properly attached.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

Once the hardware is attached, you can add some finishing touches to the dresser. You can add some decorative knobs or pulls to the drawers. You can also add some trim or molding to the dresser to give it a more finished look. You can also use a wood sealer to help protect the finish and make it last longer. Finally, you can use a wax to give the dresser a glossy finish.


Refurbishing an old wood dresser is a great way to spruce up an old piece of furniture. With a few simple steps, you can transform a dull and worn dresser into a stylish and modern piece of furniture. Start by prepping the dresser and then apply a stain or finish to give it new life. Finally, add some hardware and finishing touches to complete the look. With a little bit of time and effort, you can give your dresser a new lease on life.

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refurbished dresser. distressed wood and Annie Sloan Chalk paint
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