Repairing Old Wicker Furniture

Repairing Old Wicker Furniture

Repairing Old Wicker Furniture

The Challenge of Repairing Old Wicker Furniture

When it comes to furniture, wicker is one of the oldest materials used to create it. Wicker furniture can be both beautiful and durable, but unfortunately, over time, it can also become very worn and frayed. If you have an old wicker furniture set, chances are you may need to repair it in order to make it look brand new again. This can be a challenge, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a great DIY project.

Where to Start

Before you dive in and start repairing your old wicker furniture, you'll need to assess the overall condition of the set. Take a look at the individual pieces and note any areas that need attention, such as frayed wicker, loose joints, or broken pieces. You should also make sure that the frame is in good condition, as this will determine the overall stability of the furniture. Once you've identified the issues, you can start looking into the best repair solutions.

Gathering the Right Supplies

Once you know what you need to repair, it's time to gather the right supplies. Depending on the type of repair, you may need wicker glue, wicker weaving, wicker repair tape, wicker splines, upholstery needles, and upholstery thread. You'll also need a pair of scissors, a utility knife, and a drill with a variety of drill bits for drilling holes. Additionally, if you plan on reweaving any of the wicker, you'll need a wicker reweaving tool.

Repairing the Frame

If the frame of your wicker furniture is loose or broken, you'll need to repair it first. If the frame is made of metal, use a drill to drill holes, then use screws to tighten all the joints and secure the frame. If the frame is made of wood, you may need to use wood glue and/or wood screws to secure the joints. Once the frame is repaired and secure, you can move on to the next step.

Re-weaving the Wicker

If the wicker on your furniture is frayed or broken, you'll need to re-weave it. Start by cutting out the old wicker with a utility knife, then use a wicker reweaving tool to re-weave the wicker. If you're having trouble with this step, you can also use wicker repair tape to cover up any frayed or broken pieces.

Finishing Touches

Once you've finished repairing the frame and re-weaving the wicker, it's time to give it a good cleaning. Use a damp cloth to wipe down all the pieces, then leave it to air dry. When it's dry, you can add a coat of paint or lacquer to give it a nice finish. Finally, add a few cushions and you're done!


Repairing old wicker furniture can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a great DIY project. Start by assessing the condition of the set, then gather the right supplies. Once you've done that, you can repair the frame, re-weave the wicker, and finish it off with a good cleaning. With a bit of patience, you can make your old wicker furniture look brand new again.

How to Repair Wicker Furniture | how-tos | DIY

How to Repair Wicker Furniture | how-tos | DIY
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